An introduction of sorts

Hello, hello! I’m so happy you’ve stopped by. I’m Autumn and I identify with a strange group of humans who run for fun. When I’m not out on the roads of Grand Rapids, Michigan, there is a very good chance I can be found in my kitchen or at least with a plate of food in very close proximity to me. I share my love of food and running with my husband, Jackson and our dog, Wilson.

Here at the Flexitarian Runner, we’ve got something for everyone with an appetite. In case you were curious, a flexitarian is someone who is mostly vegetarian but occasionally eats meat or fish. Also known as someone who likes the idea of cutting back on meat, but is worried life may get a little sad without the occasional chicken finger. Does it sound kind of ridiculous? Yeah. Does it work? In my experience, heck yes it does.

I grew up believing that a meal was only a meal if it involved some sort of meat. When my mom bravely dared to serve a vegetarian pasta dish, my younger brothers’ worlds collapsed around them and they were certain starvation was inevitable. As I became an adult as humans tend to do, I began to develop an original thought or two and I wondered, would cutting back meat intake cause the world to end? Would it ruin my running career? Would my quest for knowledge simply lead me to starvation like my brothers said?

The answer, friends, is no.

I grew up more or less a carnivore. I’ve been a vegetarian,  I’ve tried my hand at veganism. But none of those felt right for me and my running obsession. I felt like I didn’t fit into any of these categories. I wanted to help the environment and I think cows are super awesome, but I also find a good deal of joy in eating a wide variety of foods all over the food pyramid (although, I think it’s a plate now…). So here’s the conclusion I came to; there are so many different ways to eat well and no matter how others judge us or how many conflicting nutrition articles we read, But as long as the food we’re eating makes us happy and healthy, we must be doing something right. 

The food and running stories you’ll find here have both happiness and healthiness in them, sometimes a little more of one than the other. We have recipes for all you hungry runners who have found their happy place as a meat-eater, vegetarian, or vegan and of course for those of you who are somewhere in the middle. Keep in mind that even though at times I may sound like I know what I’m talking about, I am in no way a nutritionist, so please remember what works for me may not always work the same for you.

Thanks so much again for stopping by. I hope nothing more than to share some health and happiness (and perhaps a running story or two) with you through the Flexitarian Runner.

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