Fall trail mix: Add colorful leaves for extra fall-ness. You can eat it as a snack! Eat it on a hike! Eat it while handing out pounds of sugar in bright, enticing wrappers to your neighbor’s kids on Halloween! Ah, Halloween. For all my talk about being a creative person, I am terrible with Halloween costumes. This fact…
It’s been one of those weeks where nothing in particular has gone wrong, but I’m so ready for it to be over. I’m pretty sure every human being on earth has had weeks like these. Weeks like these are kind of the worst because they’re not the worst. As in nothing has actually gone wrong so I have nothing…
My younger brother kindly informed me the other day that the food I make is pretentious. By the way, this younger brother of mine comes over every Sunday for dinner and help on his Econ homework. Which means I provide dinner and dessert while Jackson does his homework for him. And he had the nerve to call my food…
I went for my first run in a whole month and a half yesterday! I haven’t taken this long of a break since I started my oh-so-promising running career way back in 2006. Thanks to the wonders of high school pools and this thing called “walking” (It’s like running, only frustratingly slower), I have not lost my mind.…
This one time, I thought it might be the best idea ever to quit my desk job and become a baker. Imagine how exciting my life would become! My days would start at 2:30 AM (I’m not a morning person, but was sure I’d get over that. Besides, doesn’t 2:30 AM still count as the middle of the…
Let me take a moment to tell you about the best flight of my life. We were flying back to Detroit from Frankfurt. We only had enough time before the flight to blindly grab something from a little food mart. So we get on the plane and for once in the history of air travel, everything actually exceeded…
Dessert. Sweet potato. fries. They’re like churros you can feel good about. I can say this with absolute certainty since I ate SO many of these and felt that each time I made the decision to eat another fry, I was making the right decision. We’ve got cinnamon sugar sweet potato fries drizzled with chocolate tahini sauce and a…
When you live with a person who hates soup with a passion, creativity is key. Like with a standard grilled cheese: The addition of tomato soup is not an option. It’s soup after all, and soup is just unacceptable. What is acceptable? A small cup of soup (AKA grilled cheese ketchup) exclusively for dipping. What a weirdo. But hey,…
I have a vegan fried sage pumpkin pasta recipe to share. It’s creamy, flavor-y, and is a great use of all those cans of pumpkin you impulse-bought at the grocery store. Oh, and in the spirit of flexitarianism, I suggest to all you cheese lovers out there to forget all that vegan nonsense I just said and add a…
I often feel like I’m a mess of contradicitons. As I get to know myself a bit more with every weird thing I do, I realize I don’t make any sense most of the time. Here are a few examples: I think I’m super organized, only to find out my organization skills are nonsense to everyone else. I…