
Running + Races

The perks of being a treadmill runner

Treadmills are quick to receive the scorn and contempt of the running community. Cleverly nicknamed the dreadmill, runners of all ability levels tend to groan dramatically at the thought of using one, angrily stomp out their boredom for a few miles, and jump off thanking the good lord that the awful experience is over. What did the treadmill…

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The flexitarian runner’s 2017

Happy New Year!! I’m late to the game. Fortunately, one of my New Year’s resolutions was not to be more punctual. That’s just a lost cause. I will be late to practically everything in 2018 and forevermore. I personally very much enjoy the annual creation of New Year’s resolutions. I am a list-maker at heart, so making a list…

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Turkey Trot: the great American tradition

Americans have had some decent ideas over the last few centuries. But one of the best ideas, better than even Thanksgiving itself, was the Turkey Trot. What else are Thanksgiving mornings for? Breakfast isn’t really much of a thing on Thanksgiving (gotta save valuable belly space), there are no presents to open (unfortunately), and you’re mom’s doing all the…

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A runner’s guide to swimming

Sometimes, life doesn’t go the way you want it to. Which is totally ridiculous and honestly, something should be done about it. In the meantime, I suppose I’ll just continue to deal with it. For example, when an injury stops me from running for awhile, I deal with it by swimming instead. The result? I hate swimming slightly…

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What I learned from my 450 day run streak

Run streaks are all the rage now. Since we humans tend to favor the “all or nothing” mentality, it makes a lot of sense. But as far as streaks go, a running streak isn’t a half bad idea. It’s perfect for those struggling with getting out the door or those with no races on the horizon to keep…

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An ode to cross country season

Everyone knows fall isn’t the greatest season because of apple picking and pumpkins and Halloween. It’s such a fantastic time of year because it’s filled with fall marathons, road races, and cross country season. Or in my case, nostalgia about cross country season every time I walk out the door. I am lucky enough to think back fondly…

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Grand Rapids Marathon

Happy Grand Rapids Marathon week to all you wonderful runners out there! So hopefully you’re enjoying your tapering (the best part of running, right?). If you need something to do with all that extra non-running time on your hands, why not obsess over your upcoming race? I will gladly help fuel your obsession by providing an extensive review…

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Whitefish Point Marathon

The Whitefish Point Marathon was the smallest and northern-most marathon I have run to date. Since I had gone two years without running a marathon, I figured it was only natural to sign up for three marathons in the span of a month. It actually ended up working out much better than expected, plus I feel like a…

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