Green Goddess Salad

I’m not doing much running these days.

And by “not much” I actually mean “not any.” It’s not that I’ve lost interest or suddenly came to the realization that I could be doing better things with my time (which is maybe true, but I would never admit that). It’s because I have a 7-something pound human who likes to wreak havoc on my poor pelvis whenever I try to do much more than a steady walk.

Granted, during this streak of 90-degree days, I haven’t missed running all that much. But there have certainly been times these past few months where I’ve gazed wistfully outside my window at a passing runner, imagining a time where I could push myself mile after mile and somehow feel incredible afterwards.

But growing a baby is pretty incredible too, I guess. I was pretty surreal this April to think back to last April when I was in the best shape of my life, crossing the finish line of my 16th marathon and finally finally getting that PR. This year I spent the day sporadically stretching, probably doing a prenatal workout video or two (where they encourage yourself NOT to push yourself too hard, take frequent breaks, and never get out of breath so much so that you can’t talk normally. How weird is that?). All the while growing a little human life in my belly. There wasn’t quite as much fanfare and that overpowering sense of victory was very much absent, but hey, it was still an accomplishment.

Anyway, we are down to the final countdown on this baby, and obviously I’m spending all my free time fantasizing what my last week of meals before becoming a parent should look like. This last week when I still have time and willingness to spend in the kitchen (No idea when that will happen again. Does it ever happen again?).

So 90-degree weather plus 38 weeks pregnant plus wanting to make the most of these last childless meals equals some epic salads. One of our favorites? Green Goddess Salad.


All the elements of this salad are praiseworthy, however the star of the show is the Trader Joe’s Green Goddess dressing. It’s such a simple dressing, I’m sure you could make it at home if you don’t live near a Trader Joe’s. But if you do live near a Trader Joe’s, obtaining this dressing is the perfect excuse to go.


A few other things to pick up while you’re there (not salad-related, but purchases you won’t regret): Super Premium Vanilla Ice Cream (emphasis on super premium), their sun-dried tomatoes in oil, their New Zealand sharp cheddar cheese, tahini, frozen Argentinian red shrimp, roasted red pepper and tomato soup, handmade tortillas, pizza dough, tzatziki, naan, chicken gyozas, popcorn kernels… The list goes on and on.

Anyway, the theme of this salad is GREEN. Anything green, go ahead and stick it in. Even the dressing is on theme. It would be a great St. Patrick’s Day meal, actually. I use kale as the base, but feel free to switch that out for your favorite greens.


I also make my own croutons from sprouted multigrain bread (it’s pretty much just tiny pieces of olive oil toast), but store-bought croutons are good too (speaking of which, Trader Joe’s has some great croutons…). The salad I made the other day had seasoned chickpeas, but I’ve also used chicken in the past (when I remember to buy some). So this is a salad that’s very easy to make vegetarian if that’s what you’re into! Just follow the recipe below and you’re good to go 🙂


We’ve eaten this salad in the dead of winter, which really adds a bright spot to those days of pretty much total darkness. We’ve also enjoyed this summer in the heat of summer and it’s the perfect companion to a 90-degree day. It’s a great salad to add to the rotating list of meals, we are certainly happier for it.

Anyway, I wish you cooler weather ahead and many happy salad-eating experiences. I will be enjoying every last chance I get!


Green Goddess Salad

  • 1 can of chickpeas, drained
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • Season salt, to taste
  • Garlic powder, to taste
  • 6 cups of kale, de-stemmed and torn (or whatever greens you prefer)
  • 1 Granny Smith apple, diced
  • 1 avocado, chopped
  • 1.5 cups of croutons, store-bought or homemade
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
  • White sharp cheddar cheese, shredded (I recommend the New Zealand Sharp Cheddar from Trader Joe’s)
  • Trader Joe’s Green Goddess Dressing
  1. Heat the olive oil in a skillet to a medium heat.
  2. Add chickpeas, seasoned salt, and garlic powder. Cook until chickpeas are slightly crispy. Set aside.
  3. Add kale, apple, avocado, croutons, eggs, cheddar cheese, and chickpeas to a large bowl.
  4. Drizzle on dressing (we use about 3/4 of the bottle for our salad!). Toss well and serve.

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