

Colorful Chicken Salad Lunch Prep

Merry (almost) Christmas! It’s the time of year where I’m busy in the best ways possible – making gifts, spending extra time in the kitchen making treats, and staring wistfully out the window while thinking of Christmases past and future (a very time-consuming activity). Since free time isn’t abundant these days, it’s especially nice to not have to…

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Caprese Cobb Salad

My memories of early mornings in high school include stumbling around the kitchen for something to grab on my way out the door, half wondering how I managed to dress and get downstairs in the first place, with the no-nonsense voice of Jillian Michaels coming from the dimly-lit living room. My high school days started at 5:45am in…

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Roasted Veggie Kale Caesar Salad

My maternity leave ends today. I’m a little stunned at how intensely I feel both excitement about returning to work and devastation at the thought of not being near my baby 24/7. I keep telling myself I need to at least experience life as a working mom before I completely freak out about it. Somedays I expect it…

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Chicken and sweet potato pasta

This pasta may be called chicken and sweet potato pasta, but it’s got so much more! Plus, it’s packed with flavor and nutrients. Complete with whole grain pasta, chicken sausage, sweet potato, caramelized onions, kale, and parmesan cheese. This pasta is part of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series, specifically week six: Whole grain pasta!

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Top 10 Series: Dark leafy greens

Three cheers for week four of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series!! This week… Dark leafy greens! As in the stuff that used to aspire to not much more than a garnish on the dinner plate. Nowadays, people love their dark leafy greens. Or at least they pretend to. I’ll be the first to admit that even…

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Protein-packed salad

A protein-packed salad that will actually leave you satisfied! Pretzel-crusted chicken, hardboiled eggs, and cheddar cheese come together to add plenty of protein to this dish. And let’s not forget about the roasted potatoes, grape tomatoes, avocado, and honey mustard dressing. All on top of massaged kale. Kale is part of the dark leafy greens family, a Top…

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Kale cobb salad

It’s cobb salad! Without the vegetarian-unfriendly ingredients, that is. But it’s still got plenty of good stuff! Back in the day I worked in an upscale fitness center cafe. I’m talking $7 protein shakes upscale. On the menu, we had a Cobb salad complete with tomatoes, avocado, egg, chicken, bacon, blue cheese, and cheddar cheese. Everyone hated making…

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