

Chicken feta paninis

Let me tell you about last weekend. And maybe the chicken feta paninis. You know, if we have time. So last weekend was the Gazelle Girl Half Marathon. It’s a women-only race in Grand Rapids and my friend had decided earlier in the year that she wanted the Gazelle Girl to be her first half marathon. I’m that…

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Goat cheese and sage pasta

Goats make hilarious YouTube videos, and they also make darn good cheese. This goat cheese and sage pasta is complete with the goodness of whole grains, caramelized onions, mushrooms, fried sage, and creamy goat cheese. It’s part of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series, specifically week six: Whole grain pasta!  

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Post-race pizza

How amazing is pizza? How amazing is pizza AFTER A RACE?! Yes, the answer is, “even more amazing.” Okay so usually not right after a race, especially a long race. Right after, I feel more like puking than eating. But later that day, look out world because I’m eating everything. I’m probably more proud of this fact than…

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Grilled veggie sandwich with roasted red pepper mayo

I suppose I might as well introduce him now since he is my child and all. This is Wilson. He likes long walks in the park, giving hugs, and eating everything besides cucumbers and bananas. He has also become my running buddy. He runs like a high-school freshman cross-country runner. He sprints out ahead for the first quarter…

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