

Week 10: Oats

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the LAST week in the Top 10 Foods for Runners series! A monumental event, for sure. We’ve had quite the journey, haven’t we? *Reminiscing* Yes, yes, we’ve had some good times. But all good and wonderful things must come to an end. And since I made this the top TEN foods, this happens to…

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Tahini granola and blood orange salad

Move over every other salad ever, tahini granola and blood orange salad has arrived. This salad… It’s crunchy, creamy, sweet, tart, savory, filling, and wonderful. It’s everything you want a salad to be, I promise. Plus, the granola is tasty both on and off the salad, which is how granola should be. This recipe makes a little extra…

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Dark chocolate granola bark

OH my goodness. Dark chocolate granola bark, where have you been all my life? I should have figured out this combination long ago. Dark chocolate: Good. Granola: Good. Together: A beautiful symphony. Perfect for a snack or dessert, dark chocolate granola bark has your back. It’s perfectly sweet and crunchy and each bite is different from the last.…

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No bake almond energy bars

Jackson (my husband/significant other/lifelong running buddy) has faithfully eaten a chocolate chip Clif bar each morning for the past five or so years. Recently, he’s been known to occasionally switch to the pomegranate chia flavor, but for the most part, he sticks to old reliable. Now, I’ve seen this guy complete the Trifecta more than once. The trifecta was…

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Chocolate avocado parfait with ginger oat crumble

I don’t think it’s possible to feel like anything less than a sophisticated god/goddess of the earth while eating this dessert. I mean, humans have found a way to turn avocados into a chocolate dessert… At this point, what can’t we achieve? This dessert is more for after you have a lovely, relaxed run in a beautiful nature preserve…

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