

Vegan Thai Pizza

When your vegan friend visits and you’ve already made the obligatory salad for dinner, what is one to do the NEXT night?? Another salad?? Unthinkable. Granted, there are plenty of fantastic vegan recipes out there, so there’s really no call for this level of panic. But what if you don’t really know what this particular vegan likes and…

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Vegetarian pizza party

Growing up, I always appreciated the tradition of holiday foods like turkey and mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving and ham and potato salad on Easter. The idea behind them was great, the only problem was I didn’t actually enjoy the food all that much. Every year the meals seemed like too much work for it to actually be worth…

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Rosemary sweet potato pizza

You can never ever have enough pizza. Well, I mean for health reasons there’s probably a limit… But more pizza = more happiness. This rosemary sweet potato pizza is part of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series! Specifically, week three. Sweet potato week! I know parmesan isn’t vegan or vegetarian-friendly, so feel free to substitute with feta or mozzarella or leave…

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Feta pizza with sweet potato and zucchini

I often feel like I’m a mess of contradicitons. As I get to know myself a bit more with every weird thing I do, I realize I don’t make any sense most of the time. Here are a few examples: I think I’m super organized, only to find out my organization skills are nonsense to everyone else. I…

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Homemade pizza dough

You know how pasta is the standard choice for pre-race carbo-loading? It’s such a classic choice that people may think you’re strange for not eating pasta the night before a race. People who care about running, that is. Anyway, just as pasta is the established pre-race meal, I have come to the conclusion that pizza is the perfect…

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Post-race pizza

How amazing is pizza? How amazing is pizza AFTER A RACE?! Yes, the answer is, “even more amazing.” Okay so usually not right after a race, especially a long race. Right after, I feel more like puking than eating. But later that day, look out world because I’m eating everything. I’m probably more proud of this fact than…

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