Top 10 Series: nut butter

Let’s kick off this Top 10 Series!! For the next few weeks, I’ll be going through the list of the Top 10 Foods for Runners I compiled through serious and strenuous research. First up: Nut Butter.

Specifically, almond butter. You see, almonds earned enough mentions to easily make it into the top 10, but peanut butter was a few mentions short of making the list. I thought nut butter deserved a shoutout, so might as well make your choice almond butter and reap the most benefits!

As for any nut butter, you’ll want to go as high-quality, organic fru-fru as possible when it comes to the butter of almonds or any nut. Nut butter can do just as much harm as good if you opt for the stuff with hydrogenated oils and added sugar. If you happen to have endless hours of free time on your hands, just grind up your own organic almonds. If free time isn’t your strong suit, try not to cry when you look at the price tag of that organic, non-GMO, humanely-grown almond butter you’re holding. Yeah, the good stuff can be pricey, but I promise you there’s plenty of reasons to take out that loan for almond butter. I mean it did make the Top 10 List, after all.

Benefits of nut butter

  • Healthy fats: These are the friendly fats that want to bring you nothing but happiness! The monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nut butter are found to reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. These fats have also been found to improve cholesterol levels. Even though there are high amounts of fat in nut butter, this tasty spread has actually been known to help with weight loss. Nut butter fills you up and leaves you satisfied, keeping you away from all those sugary, highly-processed snacks.
  • Protein: I think every vegan/vegetarian on the planet knows this fact. How many times have you used nuts as ammunition against overly concerned relatives who worry you can’t possibly be getting enough protein? Nut butter is the perfect recovery food after that difficult/long run. A serving (2 tablespoons) of peanut butter has 8 grams of protein, which is about 15% of your daily protein intake.
  • Nutrients: Nuts are loaded with nutrients that help with nerve function, digestion balance, and healthy hormone levels. When you eat nuts in spreadable form, you get even more of these nutrients from the condensed form.
  • Fiber: Nut butters are actually considered a high-fiber food, which surprised me. Some nut butters actually have more fiber than their whole-nut counterparts. Nut butters have good amounts of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which you should include plenty of in your diet. Soluble fiber slows digestion, insoluble fiber helps you… well, in the bathroom.

The almond butter super boost

  • Greatest amount of fiber
  • Lowest amount of saturated fat: Good for lowering cholesterol levels
  • Vitamin E: Just an ounce of almonds contains about 50% of your daily vitamin E. Vitamin E doesn’t mess around. Studies have shown that this vitamin can reduce the risk of heart disease and helps promote healthy skin and hair.
  • Bonus nutrients: A serving of almond butter contains a significant amount of calcium, copper (helps nervous system), magnesium (helps create healthy bones and with energy production), potassium, phosphorous, and iron

So there you have it. Nuts are great an all, but nut butter can benefit you even more. Plus, it’s way more fun to eat. Nut butter keep us runners and normal people happy, healthy, full, and energized. Like everything, remember these guys work best in moderation (as in try to avoid eating a whole jar in one sitting, try to spread it out over like a week or so). Need a few suggestions for how to add almond/nut butter into your diet? You’ve come to the right place! I suggested almond butter in each of these recipes, but feel free to substitute whatever nut/seed butter you’re most fond of!


Almond butter pancakes


Almond butter apple bars
Easy almond butter noodles

