It’s been one of those weeks where nothing in particular has gone wrong, but I’m so ready for it to be over.
I’m pretty sure every human being on earth has had weeks like these. Weeks like these are kind of the worst because they’re not the worst. As in nothing has actually gone wrong so I have nothing that warrants me feeling this way. These weeks usually follow ones of high energy and productivity. Then all of a sudden, I’m totally drained and need about a thousand naps.
I used to think that I needed to power through these times and force myself to be a productive, contributing member of society again. But I’ve been through these cycles a time or two and have done some experimenting. Turns out (for me at least), the best thing to do with one of these weeks isn’t to fight it, but let it run its course.
And it always does. These weeks do end and there’s always a brighter, more productive one waiting to be had. I think weeks like these may be our bodies and minds telling us to hit the brakes for a hot second. Relax a little, let that energy come back naturally.
Letting these weeks run their course isn’t an easy thing for me since I’m the most impatient person who has ever lived. I also feel like if I’m not creating or working on something every second of every day, I’m wasting my life. But when I try to power through weeks like these, I come out only more exhausted and my projects suffer due to half-hearted results.
So these weeks kind of suck. My advice is let them suck for awhile. And maybe sprinkle in some old reliable happiness boosters along the way.
My classic happiness boosters: running and pasta.
Who would ever guess I’d recommend those two things?! But it works. And I’m so excited to run this weekend! Swimming has lost its charm. It’s still a great workout and all, it’s just not as glamorous as it was a few weeks ago. Just kidding. Swimming with a bunch of half-naked old people has shockingly never been glamorous.
So I’ve done the pasta part already. And I’ve done it well. My favorite pasta is simple but awesome. It’s got some of my favorite veggies, all roasted and tasty. And the pesto is dairy free with an almond base (waaay cheaper than pine nuts). I swear you will not become another victim of cheese withdrawal.
So I’ve checked the pasta box and the running box will soon follow. The classic recipe for happiness. Perfect for good weeks, bad weeks, and all the funky stuff in between.

Vegan roasted veggie pesto pasta
For the pesto
- 1/3 cup almonds, toasted
- 1 cup fresh basil
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
- 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 1/4 cup olive oil plus 2 tbsp
- salt and pepper, to taste
For the pasta
- 1 box pasta
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 10 oz mushrooms, sliced
- 1 yellow squash (or zucchini), sliced 1/4 inch think
- 3 cups kale, stems removed and chopped
- 1/2 cup oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
- salt and pepper, to taste
For the pesto
In a food processor, pulse together almonds, basil, garlic, and nutritional yeast until combined. Add olive oil and pulse until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
For the pasta
Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add mushrooms and do not stir for several minutes until they are golden and crispy on one side. Stir and add squash, cook until squash is soft.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to the package instructions.
Turn heat to low and add kale and sun-dried tomatoes. Cook until kale is bright green, then add pasta and pesto. Stir until combined. Season with salt and pepper. Serve warm.