

Pesto veggie hash

One of my absolute favorite side effects of marathon training is that raw hunger you can only really feel after you’ve given everything you’ve got to a workout. After a workout like that, my body is far past the point of gently nudging me in the direction of the fridge with maybe a softly encouraging, “hey friend, we…

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Banana breakfast sandwich

Not gonna lie, I was a little surprised by how great this sandwich turned out. All the flavors worked together like they had known each other all their lives. The sandwich was creamy, full of flavor, and just the right amount of sweet. I used sprouted grain bread, but if you’re looking for something more substantial (like post-long…

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Fig butter breakfast bowl

The breakfast bowl! It’s what everyone’s talking about these days. It’s a great way to get in nutrients, fill up your belly, and practice creativity. Some are elaborate… Okay, pretty much all of them are elaborate. I don’t even know what some of the stuff is most of the time. And who has edible flowers just hanging around…

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Cherry Ricotta Toast

Sometimes, all we need as human beings is an easy recipe that tastes amazing. Enter, cherry ricotta toast. Toast up your favorite grainy bread and top it with creamy ricotta, juicy cherries, a drizzle of honey, and flaky sea salt. You’ve created the breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack of champions. This toast is also part of an elaborate rouse to get you…

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Smoked salmon bagel

It’s kind of like bagel and lox, only different. Smoked salmon bagel: A summary. Start with an everything bagel, top it with herbed cream cheese, smoked salmon, avocado, and egg. And like magic, you’ve impressed the world. There’s a lot going on with these bagels. I’m a big smoked salmon fan and they were so filling, I could only…

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Prep meals, change life

These days, meal prep isn’t just something put-together moms do. All us young people are into it. You’ve seen it all over Instagram: Those neat rows of perfectly-portioned proteins and vegetables. Is there any better display of appearing to have your life together? I think not. But other than looking like you’ve got it all figured out, meal…

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Roasted veggie hash

Hash is the perfect way to incorporate more eggs (a Top 10 Foods for Runners pick) into your diet. It’s also a great way to get your daily dose of veggies and protein. Gone are the days of hash only being for breakfast people. It can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. I am not a breakfast person, but I…

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Breakfast (sandwich) of champions

This breakfast sandwich isn’t just for breakfast. Enjoy it literally any time, seriously! What a magical sandwich. This sandwich is also part of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series! This sandwich is actually like a triple win because it has whole grains, sweet potatoes, and eggs. If you want to read more about the benefits of eggs…

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Cornbread breakfast bowl

Well, hello there! You’ve stumbled on one of the recipes from the Top 10 Foods for Runners series! This cornbread breakfast bowl is full of nutritious veggies and keeps you full for the long haul. The sweetness of the cornbread works really nicely with the garlicky greens and the runny egg. If you want to read more about…

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