

Tex-Mex Veggie Bowls

Hello, all! Obviously, we’re here to talk about these awesome, versitle, tasty Tex-Mex Veggie Bowls. But it wouldn’t be a proper blog post without first diving into a long-winded story that’s only vaguely (if at all) related to the recipe, would it? So there I was, nearly 41 weeks pregnant and confronted with several options as to how…

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Everything Pretzel Honey Mustard Chicken Strips

Aren’t you so sick of all those “Healthy 2021” emails/posts/billboards/bus ads? Do you feel like you’re drowning in a sea of images of salads, skinny people, and before and after photos? Well here’s a lovely little post to counteract all that nonsense! Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean you have to start punishing yourself for enjoying…

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Mediterranean Grazing Platter

I have many obsessions. Some are healthy (can an obsession even be healthy?), some are worrisome, and many are just nonsensical. But one of my favorite obsessions (because when you have as many as I have, you end up having favorites) is platters. Goodness, how I love them. Oftentimes, the problem with beautiful food is that it comes…

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Mediterranean Lunch Prep

I don’t think I can fully express how nice it is to not have to worry about preparing lunch everyday. Well, my lunch at least. My little guy is all grown up and off to daycare and I spend my days working, missing him, and thinking of my life in terms of how may ounces of milk I…

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Farro and Roasted Cauliflower Fall Salad

It could be due to the majority of my days have been reduced to terms such as diaper changes, deciding between the bouncer and the carrier, and if that crying meant hunger or gas… so maybe it’s because my whole day is consumed by these tiny, super important yet super minor decisions, I have done all I can…

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Special Occasion Asian Spread

In the spirit of breaking out of the typical Easter dinner mold for the second year in a row (and a passionate hatred of ham), this year I decided to take the Asian route. Last year we had a vegetarian pizza party, which was a wild success. But what would my fans say if I simply repeated myself?…

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Honey Sesame Chicken Bowls

Ah, I love bowls of food. Plates are fine, but it’s something about that concave shape that tends to house the tastiest of meals and snacks. But sometimes we make sub-par bowls of food such as stale, sugary cereal or ice cream that tastes more like ice than cream or plain rice flavored with plain beans. Sometimes, we…

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Falafel Bowls

I love where we live. We’re right in the center of Eastown, a neighborhood in Grand Rapids, on a quiet little residential street that somehow doesn’t draw a lot of traffic. We’re surrounded by parks, unique houses, impractical shops, and more restaurants than a person knows how to handle. But what I love most about my little corner…

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Thai basil chicken bowls

If you ever find yourself struggling to decide where to go on vacation, let me make things easy for you. Go to Thailand. Sure, it’s a pain to get to being on the other side of the world and all, but that really shouldn’t stop you. They have these things called airplanes now that make the whole experience…

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Pesto veggie hash

One of my absolute favorite side effects of marathon training is that raw hunger you can only really feel after you’ve given everything you’ve got to a workout. After a workout like that, my body is far past the point of gently nudging me in the direction of the fridge with maybe a softly encouraging, “hey friend, we…

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