

Roasted tomato sammies

My younger brother kindly informed me the other day that the food I make is pretentious. By the way, this younger brother of mine comes over every Sunday for dinner and help on his Econ homework. Which means I provide dinner and dessert while Jackson does his homework for him. And he had the nerve to call my food…

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French onion grilled cheese

When you live with a person who hates soup with a passion, creativity is key. Like with a standard grilled cheese: The addition of tomato soup is not an option. It’s soup after all, and soup is just unacceptable. What is acceptable? A small cup of soup (AKA grilled cheese ketchup) exclusively for dipping. What a weirdo. But hey,…

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Eggplant sliders with roasted red pepper sauce

Eggplant kind of creeps me out. First of all, what kind of a name is eggplant? Did someone name it that as a joke and it just stuck? Was someone trying to make it sound unappealing? And what’s with the strange somewhat leathery, somewhat waxy skin? It can just be a rather off-putting vegetable in all honesty. How…

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Uber caprese paninis

I’m thinking of opening a gallery of sorts. It will be titled: Humankind’s Greatest Combinations. Here’s a brief list of subjects either photographs of paintings will capture: Grilled cheese and tomato soup Long runs and Slurpees Dogs and humans Snacks and finish lines Those cinnamon sugar doughnuts from apple orchards and cider Naps and Saturday afternoons Dirt roads and…

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Barbecue falafel pita pockets

So first of all, even though this dish has the word “falafel” in it, don’t expect any of the typical flavors of a traditional falafel. I just don’t want to be a source of crushing disappointment for you, that’s all. You know what is disappointing though? Mysterious running injuries. I’ve been hobbling through simply pathetic 4-mile runs lately, it’s…

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The runner’s club (sandwich)

Did you know that a standard club sandwich is a double decker sandwich?! I always forget that fact until after I order a club sandwich and then I am so happily surprised when it arrives! Forgetting this well-known fact about club sandwiches is one of my favorite things about myself. It just never fails to bring me so…

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Grilled veggie sandwich with roasted red pepper mayo

I suppose I might as well introduce him now since he is my child and all. This is Wilson. He likes long walks in the park, giving hugs, and eating everything besides cucumbers and bananas. He has also become my running buddy. He runs like a high-school freshman cross-country runner. He sprints out ahead for the first quarter…

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