I don’t mess around when it comes to ice cream sandwiches. Especially if they are giant and of the chocolate variety.
Have you ever had the uncontrollable urge to spend your evening baking cookies? I had one of those moments a few weeks back. My parents were in the process of moving out of their house, which meant I got all of my mom’s random kitchen ingredients. I have about a whole cabinet full of sea salt and four spice jars full of cloves.
She also gifted me with a giant bottle of molasses and two unopened containers of dried ginger. Heck yeah, I was making ginger molasses cookies.
Since I hardly ever make cookies, I went a little overboard. I doubled the recipe and made each cookie GIGANTIC. I wanted these cookies to make me feel petite by comparison as I was scarfing them down.
So I ended up with a mountain of soft, chewy, massive cookies. Even I couldn’t tackle it, so half of them ended up in the freezer. Every time I opened the freezer, they called to me.
Make us something even greater than we are, Autumn. They whispered. We believe in you.
The whispering cookies gave me the courage to create something truly fantastic. Giant ice chocolate cream sandwiches with blackberry jam and chocolate coconut whipped cream.
The coconut whipped cream adds a level of creaminess that simply cannot be put into words. The jelly adds some tangy sweetness to balance out the creaminess of the ice cream and whipped cream. Coconut whipped cream is just as simple as regular whipped cream, just don’t skip the most important step: refrigerate the HECK out of the coconut cream ahead of time.
Molasses cookies are naturally soft and chewy, so they are kind to your mouth even in a frozen state (although it is more enjoyable if you let these beauties thaw for a few minutes before enjoying). Now you can make your own ginger molasses cookies or use store-bought ones, just make sure they are of the soft and chewy variety.
Goodness, these are fantastic. Now when I open the freezer, all I hear is applause.

Giant chocolate ice cream sandwiches
- 8 large ginger molasses cookies, soft and chewy
- 1 can coconut cream
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder
- 2 tsp honey
- 3/4 cup blackberry jam
- 1 quart chocolate ice cream (you will have extra)
Chill coconut cream in the fridge for 24 hours so the cream separates from the liquid. In that time, keep the cookies in the freezer for easier assembly.
Separate the coconut cream from the liquid. Set liquid aside. In a standing mixer, blend together coconut cream, cocoa powder, and honey until smooth and creamy, about 10 minutes. If the mixture is too wet, add more cocoa powder. If it is too dry, add a bit of the reserved coconut liquid.
Remove cookies and ice cream from the freezer. Line a baking dish or large Tupperware container with wax paper while ice cream softens.
On one cookie, spread 1/4 of the coconut whipped cream mixture. On the other cookie, spread 1/4 of the blackberry jam. On the whipped cream cookie, scoop the desired amount of ice cream. Top with the blackberry cookie and press down to flatten the ice cream and keep the sandwich together.
Place completed ice cream sandwich in the baking dish and repeat the process three times. Freeze for at least an hour before eating.
Recipe Notes
Once frozen, the ice cream sandwiches can also be wrapped in aluminum foil and stored in a large plastic bag in the freezer to save room and prevent freezer burn.