Chill coconut cream in the fridge for 24 hours so the cream separates from the liquid. In that time, keep the cookies in the freezer for easier assembly.
Separate the coconut cream from the liquid. Set liquid aside. In a standing mixer, blend together coconut cream, cocoa powder, and honey until smooth and creamy, about 10 minutes. If the mixture is too wet, add more cocoa powder. If it is too dry, add a bit of the reserved coconut liquid.
Remove cookies and ice cream from the freezer. Line a baking dish or large Tupperware container with wax paper while ice cream softens.
On one cookie, spread 1/4 of the coconut whipped cream mixture. On the other cookie, spread 1/4 of the blackberry jam. On the whipped cream cookie, scoop the desired amount of ice cream. Top with the blackberry cookie and press down to flatten the ice cream and keep the sandwich together.
Place completed ice cream sandwich in the baking dish and repeat the process three times. Freeze for at least an hour before eating.
Once frozen, the ice cream sandwiches can also be wrapped in aluminum foil and stored in a large plastic bag in the freezer to save room and prevent freezer burn.