Pesto veggie hash

One of my absolute favorite side effects of marathon training is that raw hunger you can only really feel after you’ve given everything you’ve got to a workout. After a workout like that, my body is far past the point of gently nudging me in the direction of the fridge with maybe a softly encouraging, “hey friend, we haven’t eaten in awhile. Let’s see if we can fix that.” No, at this point I am far from the chilled out rummaging through the fridge phase. My body is freaking out a little, desperate for a big plate of something awesome. Gotta love that feeling.

Anyway, at least once a week that big plate of something awesome manifests itself as a glorious mix of potatoes and vegetables I have hiding in my fridge, topped with a beautiful fried egg. It’s what we hungry Americans call hash. Hash can take many forms. Usually, potatoes and eggs are involved in some way, but other than that it’s pretty much a free for all. I typically schedule hash night near the end of the week so I can use up all the sad looking vegetables laying around.

Last week’s hash was especially tasty, so I’m here to share it with you! Thanks to the leftover pesto and my miscalculations on how many zucchini and bell peppers I needed for the week (math is hard), a miracle was created! Crispy potatoes and sauteed pesto veggies, all topped off with a perfectly-cooked egg. I also threw some feta cheese on mine. Well, it more like my stomach commanded me to, but you get the idea.

I’ve learned an important trick when it comes to this dish: Even if you have a baking sheet large enough to hold all your potatoes and vegetables, cook them separately. Cooking your potatoes and vegetables together creates too much moisture and your potatoes won’t get crisp enough. No one wants sub-par potatoes.

Other than the flexibility this dish offers, the best part about it is how completely it fills you up. And there are certain foods out there that when consumed out of a hungry rage, so not fill you up the way you want. I’m talking empty calories, over processed, too much sugar, etc. But This dish is wholesome and full of nutrients to replace what you used crushing your workout. It will quiet your stomach monster for the time being and you will no longer feel you have to consume everything in sight. Until after tomorrow’s workout, that is (it might not hurt to double up on this recipe…).

Pesto veggie hash

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Servings 2 hungry people


  • 3 sweet potatoes, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 24 oz (1.5 lb) bag baby red potatoes, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (approximately)
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 zucchini, chopped
  • 2 red bell peppers, chopped
  • 1/3 cup pesto (homemade or store-bought)
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt and pepper
  • Fresh basil for garnish (optional)
  • Crumbled feta cheese (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. 

  2. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, toss potatoes with a few drizzles of oil, garlic powder, and a bit of pepper. Coat well and bake for 35 minutes, stirring occasionally. When they are done cooking, immediately sprinkle with salt. 

  3. Meanwhile, heat a small amount of oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini and peppers and cook until there is no longer liquid left in the pan. Turn heat to low and mix in the pesto. Combine veggies and potatoes and divide between two bowls.

  4. Cook the eggs according to preference. Top each bowl with an egg, basil, and feta.