

Thai Quinoa Salad

Hello there! You might not recognize my written voice these days because I just turned 27, so my maturity level has skyrocketed. I no longer laugh at jokes typically reserved for 12-year-old boys, I balance my check book, and I only read textbooks and take medicine to manage my cholesterol in my free time. It’s what’s to be…

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Colorful Chicken Salad Lunch Prep

Merry (almost) Christmas! It’s the time of year where I’m busy in the best ways possible – making gifts, spending extra time in the kitchen making treats, and staring wistfully out the window while thinking of Christmases past and future (a very time-consuming activity). Since free time isn’t abundant these days, it’s especially nice to not have to…

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Mediterranean Lunch Prep

I don’t think I can fully express how nice it is to not have to worry about preparing lunch everyday. Well, my lunch at least. My little guy is all grown up and off to daycare and I spend my days working, missing him, and thinking of my life in terms of how may ounces of milk I…

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Mediterranean yogurt dip

This Mediterranean yogurt dip has it all. It’s tasty, full of flavor, and packed with nutrients. It’s perfect for a vegetarian dinner (Jackson and I destroyed the entire dip after a lengthy fartleck run the other day), a snack, or even to take to a party. It will keep a few days, but it’s best within the first…

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Monster vegan sandwich

Oh my goodness, I am so excited about this sandwich! One look at this monstrosity of vegetable goodness and you can see how it got its name. This one goes out to all you vegans out there with the appetites of a hungry, carnivorous T-Rex. Just because you can’t eat meat doesn’t mean your sandwich game has to suffer!…

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