

Mediterranean Lunch Prep

I don’t think I can fully express how nice it is to not have to worry about preparing lunch everyday. Well, my lunch at least. My little guy is all grown up and off to daycare and I spend my days working, missing him, and thinking of my life in terms of how may ounces of milk I…

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Garlic sweet potato couscous

You guessed it, another Top 10 Foods for Runners recipe! This garlic sweet potato couscous belongs to week three of the series: Sweet potatoes! The dish is so awesome because it’s not only tasty and super pretty, but it’s so flexible! It can be used as a side to some holiday coming up where we consumeĀ a lot of…

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Mediterranean salmon salad

Let me take a moment to tell you about the best flight of my life. We were flying back to Detroit from Frankfurt. We only had enough time before the flight to blindly grab something from a little food mart. So we get on the plane and for once in the history of air travel, everything actually exceeded…

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