

#SaturdayPlatterDay Musings 6.5.21

The platter was as delicious as the photo of it is blurry. I know, that’s saying a lot. This platter was from a few Saturdays back when I hosted two of my brothers and their significant others for dinner. I still can’t get over the fact that they are old enough to have significant others, let alone that…

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The Quarantine Salad

The two good things to come out of 2020: The birth of my son and The Quarantine Salad. Maybe in that order. It’s nothing against my son, The Quarantine Salad is just that good. I wish I had a better reason we ended up calling this The Quarantine Salad other than it was created amidst the excitement of…

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Thai Quinoa Salad

Hello there! You might not recognize my written voice these days because I just turned 27, so my maturity level has skyrocketed. I no longer laugh at jokes typically reserved for 12-year-old boys, I balance my check book, and I only read textbooks and take medicine to manage my cholesterol in my free time. It’s what’s to be…

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Mediterranean Grazing Platter

I have many obsessions. Some are healthy (can an obsession even be healthy?), some are worrisome, and many are just nonsensical. But one of my favorite obsessions (because when you have as many as I have, you end up having favorites) is platters. Goodness, how I love them. Oftentimes, the problem with beautiful food is that it comes…

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Caprese Cobb Salad

My memories of early mornings in high school include stumbling around the kitchen for something to grab on my way out the door, half wondering how I managed to dress and get downstairs in the first place, with the no-nonsense voice of Jillian Michaels coming from the dimly-lit living room. My high school days started at 5:45am in…

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Roasted Veggie Kale Caesar Salad

My maternity leave ends today. I’m a little stunned at how intensely I feel both excitement about returning to work and devastation at the thought of not being near my baby 24/7. I keep telling myself I need to at least experience life as a working mom before I completely freak out about it. Somedays I expect it…

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Farro and Roasted Cauliflower Fall Salad

It could be due to the majority of my days have been reduced to terms such as diaper changes, deciding between the bouncer and the carrier, and if that crying meant hunger or gas… so maybe it’s because my whole day is consumed by these tiny, super important yet super minor decisions, I have done all I can…

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Birthday Chicken Sandwiches

Sandwiches are treats any day of the year, but when you’re tasked with creating the perfect birthday sandwich, it would be nothing short of irresponsible not to go the extra mile. Especially when you’re feeling guilty since you weren’t able to time your pregnancy just right to give your husband the gift of a brand new son on…

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Vegan Thai Pizza

When your vegan friend visits and you’ve already made the obligatory salad for dinner, what is one to do the NEXT night?? Another salad?? Unthinkable. Granted, there are plenty of fantastic vegan recipes out there, so there’s really no call for this level of panic. But what if you don’t really know what this particular vegan likes and…

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