

Farro and Roasted Cauliflower Fall Salad

It could be due to the majority of my days have been reduced to terms such as diaper changes, deciding between the bouncer and the carrier, and if that crying meant hunger or gas… so maybe it’s because my whole day is consumed by these tiny, super important yet super minor decisions, I have done all I can…

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Fall harvest salad

Another great thing about this glorious season: it’s the best running outfit weather. I’m talking long sleeves and shorts. Hands down the best running clothes combination there is. I finally got to wear this winning combo the other day, when I ran a whole 5K! Did I ever feel great. And man, was I flying. Or at least…

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Fall trail mix

Fall trail mix: Add colorful leaves for extra fall-ness. You can eat it as a snack! Eat it on a hike! Eat it while handing out pounds of sugar in bright, enticing wrappers to your neighbor’s kids on Halloween! Ah, Halloween. For all my talk about being a creative person, I am terrible with Halloween costumes. This fact…

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