

Pesto veggie hash

One of my absolute favorite side effects of marathon training is that raw hunger you can only really feel after you’ve given everything you’ve got to a workout. After a workout like that, my body is far past the point of gently nudging me in the direction of the fridge with maybe a softly encouraging, “hey friend, we…

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Roasted veggie hash

Hash is the perfect way to incorporate more eggs (a Top 10 Foods for Runners pick) into your diet. It’s also a great way to get your daily dose of veggies and protein. Gone are the days of hash only being for breakfast people. It can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. I am not a breakfast person, but I…

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Honey mustard sweet potato hash

Who knew that something that came out of the dirt could taste so good? I’m talking about sweet potatoes! More specifically, a spectacular mix of the best food around that I like to call honey mustard sweet potato hash.   There’s no actual honey mustard in this dish in the traditional sense anyway. There’s dijon mustard and honey,…

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