

Thai Quinoa Salad

Hello there! You might not recognize my written voice these days because I just turned 27, so my maturity level has skyrocketed. I no longer laugh at jokes typically reserved for 12-year-old boys, I balance my check book, and I only read textbooks and take medicine to manage my cholesterol in my free time. It’s what’s to be…

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Roasted Veggie Kale Caesar Salad

My maternity leave ends today. I’m a little stunned at how intensely I feel both excitement about returning to work and devastation at the thought of not being near my baby 24/7. I keep telling myself I need to at least experience life as a working mom before I completely freak out about it. Somedays I expect it…

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Pesto veggie hash

One of my absolute favorite side effects of marathon training is that raw hunger you can only really feel after you’ve given everything you’ve got to a workout. After a workout like that, my body is far past the point of gently nudging me in the direction of the fridge with maybe a softly encouraging, “hey friend, we…

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Fajita bowls

Fajita bowls not for the faint of heart. Honestly, these bowls could probably serve 3-4, but they were created with hungry people in mind. There are a decent amount of components to this dish to maximize flavor and nutrients, but it’s still completely manageable. I recommend cooking the rice, chicken, beans, and fajita mix a few days before. you…

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Honey mustard sweet potato hash

Who knew that something that came out of the dirt could taste so good? I’m talking about sweet potatoes! More specifically, a spectacular mix of the best food around that I like to call honey mustard sweet potato hash.   There’s no actual honey mustard in this dish in the traditional sense anyway. There’s dijon mustard and honey,…

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Unparalleled veggie nachos

We’ve come a long way as a species. We used to run to hunt down our food. Now we run with things on our wrist that tell us exactly how far we are going, how fast our heart is beating, and how many steps we’ve taken so far. I’m sure the cavemen also thought such things, but I…

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