

Falafel Bowls

I love where we live. We’re right in the center of Eastown, a neighborhood in Grand Rapids, on a quiet little residential street that somehow doesn’t draw a lot of traffic. We’re surrounded by parks, unique houses, impractical shops, and more restaurants than a person knows how to handle. But what I love most about my little corner…

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Mediterranean yogurt dip

This Mediterranean yogurt dip has it all. It’s tasty, full of flavor, and packed with nutrients. It’s perfect for a vegetarian dinner (Jackson and I destroyed the entire dip after a lengthy fartleck run the other day), a snack, or even to take to a party. It will keep a few days, but it’s best within the first…

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Cherry chicken salad pitas

I don’t care what the world thinks of me, chicken salad is delicious. My mom used to make chicken salad, but she also made chicken salad. So whenever we’d ask what was for dinner and she’d answer “chicken salad,” the follow-up question would always be, “Chicken salad or salad with chicken?” Both excellent dinners, but completely different mindsets…

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Barbecue falafel pita pockets

So first of all, even though this dish has the word “falafel” in it, don’t expect any of the typical flavors of a traditional falafel. I just don’t want to be a source of crushing disappointment for you, that’s all. You know what is disappointing though? Mysterious running injuries. I’ve been hobbling through simply pathetic 4-mile runs lately, it’s…

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