

Special Occasion Asian Spread

In the spirit of breaking out of the typical Easter dinner mold for the second year in a row (and a passionate hatred of ham), this year I decided to take the Asian route. Last year we had a vegetarian pizza party, which was a wild success. But what would my fans say if I simply repeated myself?…

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Honey Sesame Chicken Bowls

Ah, I love bowls of food. Plates are fine, but it’s something about that concave shape that tends to house the tastiest of meals and snacks. But sometimes we make sub-par bowls of food such as stale, sugary cereal or ice cream that tastes more like ice than cream or plain rice flavored with plain beans. Sometimes, we…

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Thai basil chicken bowls

If you ever find yourself struggling to decide where to go on vacation, let me make things easy for you. Go to Thailand. Sure, it’s a pain to get to being on the other side of the world and all, but that really shouldn’t stop you. They have these things called airplanes now that make the whole experience…

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Fajita bowls

Fajita bowls not for the faint of heart. Honestly, these bowls could probably serve 3-4, but they were created with hungry people in mind. There are a decent amount of components to this dish to maximize flavor and nutrients, but it’s still completely manageable. I recommend cooking the rice, chicken, beans, and fajita mix a few days before. you…

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Cherry coconut rice

When I was younger, one of my favorite foods was rice with butter. I’ve come to expect a little more from my rice, and this dish delivers. Coconut rice mixed with celery, seared pineapple, toasted almonds, and cherries. It’s so tasty and totally vegan! Feel free to add chicken, fish, or even a fried egg to make it…

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