
sweet potato

Chicken and sweet potato pasta

This pasta may be called chicken and sweet potato pasta, but it’s got so much more! Plus, it’s packed with flavor and nutrients. Complete with whole grain pasta, chicken sausage, sweet potato, caramelized onions, kale, and parmesan cheese. This pasta is part of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series, specifically week six: Whole grain pasta!

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Top 10 Series: Sweet potatoes

Welcome to week three of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series!! I am just so happy you’re here and ready to learn about everyone’s favorite root vegetable: Sweet potatoes! Sweet potatoes are no longer reserved for that sticky marshmallow casserole thing people serve during the holidays. They are everywhere, being used for everything! Which is completely awesome.…

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Rosemary sweet potato pizza

You can never ever have enough pizza. Well, I mean for health reasons there’s probably a limit… But more pizza = more happiness. This rosemary sweet potato pizza is part of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series! Specifically, week three. Sweet potato week! I know parmesan isn’t vegan or vegetarian-friendly, so feel free to substitute with feta or mozzarella or leave…

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Dessert sweet potato fries (vegan)

Dessert. Sweet potato. fries. They’re like churros you can feel good about. I can say this with absolute certainty since I ate SO many of these and felt that each time I made the decision to eat another fry, I was making the right decision. We’ve got cinnamon sugar sweet potato fries drizzled with chocolate tahini sauce and a…

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Feta pizza with sweet potato and zucchini

I often feel like I’m a mess of contradicitons. As I get to know myself a bit more with every weird thing I do, I realize I don’t make any sense most of the time. Here are a few examples: I think I’m super organized, only to find out my organization skills are nonsense to everyone else. I…

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Haystack onion quinoa bowl

We hungry people love our bowls of food. Grain bowls, for instance. In recent years, grain bowls have become the favorite lunch of white people with disposable incomes. Belonging to the first half of that demographic, I also enjoy bowls of grain but do not enjoy the arm and leg required to pay for said bowl of grain. So…

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The vegetarian’s breakfast burrito

You know how there are races that somehow involve eating? I am certain such a thing as doughnut racing exists. Along the same lines, I have witnessed both beer and chocolate milk miles (not pretty sights). Not that the world needs more food/racing combos, but a burrito race would be a logical addition. Burritos are so convenient and…

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