

Tex-Mex Veggie Bowls

Hello, all! Obviously, we’re here to talk about these awesome, versitle, tasty Tex-Mex Veggie Bowls. But it wouldn’t be a proper blog post without first diving into a long-winded story that’s only vaguely (if at all) related to the recipe, would it? So there I was, nearly 41 weeks pregnant and confronted with several options as to how…

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Thai Quinoa Salad

Hello there! You might not recognize my written voice these days because I just turned 27, so my maturity level has skyrocketed. I no longer laugh at jokes typically reserved for 12-year-old boys, I balance my check book, and I only read textbooks and take medicine to manage my cholesterol in my free time. It’s what’s to be…

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Mediterranean Lunch Prep

I don’t think I can fully express how nice it is to not have to worry about preparing lunch everyday. Well, my lunch at least. My little guy is all grown up and off to daycare and I spend my days working, missing him, and thinking of my life in terms of how may ounces of milk I…

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Vegan Thai Pizza

When your vegan friend visits and you’ve already made the obligatory salad for dinner, what is one to do the NEXT night?? Another salad?? Unthinkable. Granted, there are plenty of fantastic vegan recipes out there, so there’s really no call for this level of panic. But what if you don’t really know what this particular vegan likes and…

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Honey Sesame Chicken Bowls

Ah, I love bowls of food. Plates are fine, but it’s something about that concave shape that tends to house the tastiest of meals and snacks. But sometimes we make sub-par bowls of food such as stale, sugary cereal or ice cream that tastes more like ice than cream or plain rice flavored with plain beans. Sometimes, we…

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Falafel Bowls

I love where we live. We’re right in the center of Eastown, a neighborhood in Grand Rapids, on a quiet little residential street that somehow doesn’t draw a lot of traffic. We’re surrounded by parks, unique houses, impractical shops, and more restaurants than a person knows how to handle. But what I love most about my little corner…

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Top 10 Series: Dark leafy greens

Three cheers for week four of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series!! This week… Dark leafy greens! As in the stuff that used to aspire to not much more than a garnish on the dinner plate. Nowadays, people love their dark leafy greens. Or at least they pretend to. I’ll be the first to admit that even…

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Monster vegan sandwich

Oh my goodness, I am so excited about this sandwich! One look at this monstrosity of vegetable goodness and you can see how it got its name. This one goes out to all you vegans out there with the appetites of a hungry, carnivorous T-Rex. Just because you can’t eat meat doesn’t mean your sandwich game has to suffer!…

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Summer pasta salad

It’s so hot out. And I know I sound like a broken record every time I walk upstairs, but when I can feel the temperature increase with every step, it seems like the thing that must be commented on. Our landlord graciously fixed our air conditioning, but unfortunately it doesn’t reach the upstairs very well. I look back…

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