

Vegan fried sage pumpkin pasta

I have a vegan fried sage pumpkin pasta recipe to share. It’s creamy, flavor-y, and is a great use of all those cans of pumpkin you impulse-bought at the grocery store. Oh, and in the spirit of flexitarianism, I suggest to all you cheese lovers out there to forget all that vegan nonsense I just said and add a…

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Feta pizza with sweet potato and zucchini

I often feel like I’m a mess of contradicitons. As I get to know myself a bit more with every weird thing I do, I realize I don’t make any sense most of the time. Here are a few examples: I think I’m super organized, only to find out my organization skills are nonsense to everyone else. I…

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Haystack onion quinoa bowl

We hungry people love our bowls of food. Grain bowls, for instance. In recent years, grain bowls have become the favorite lunch of white people with disposable incomes. Belonging to the first half of that demographic, I also enjoy bowls of grain but do not enjoy the arm and leg required to pay for said bowl of grain. So…

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Veggie spring rolls

There never seem to be enough spring rolls. Like at Chinese restaurants, all I want is a thousand spring rolls. I don’t want any of that sticky chicken or any vegetables drowned in brown sauce. I don’t need fortune cookies or the complimentary rice they throw in. All I need is an endless supply of spring rolls. I…

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The vegetarian’s breakfast burrito

You know how there are races that somehow involve eating? I am certain such a thing as doughnut racing exists. Along the same lines, I have witnessed both beer and chocolate milk miles (not pretty sights). Not that the world needs more food/racing combos, but a burrito race would be a logical addition. Burritos are so convenient and…

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Eggplant sliders with roasted red pepper sauce

Eggplant kind of creeps me out. First of all, what kind of a name is eggplant? Did someone name it that as a joke and it just stuck? Was someone trying to make it sound unappealing? And what’s with the strange somewhat leathery, somewhat waxy skin? It can just be a rather off-putting vegetable in all honesty. How…

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Uber caprese paninis

I’m thinking of opening a gallery of sorts. It will be titled: Humankind’s Greatest Combinations. Here’s a brief list of subjects either photographs of paintings will capture: Grilled cheese and tomato soup Long runs and Slurpees Dogs and humans Snacks and finish lines Those cinnamon sugar doughnuts from apple orchards and cider Naps and Saturday afternoons Dirt roads and…

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Barbecue falafel pita pockets

So first of all, even though this dish has the word “falafel” in it, don’t expect any of the typical flavors of a traditional falafel. I just don’t want to be a source of crushing disappointment for you, that’s all. You know what is disappointing though? Mysterious running injuries. I’ve been hobbling through simply pathetic 4-mile runs lately, it’s…

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Kale cobb salad

It’s cobb salad! Without the vegetarian-unfriendly ingredients, that is. But it’s still got plenty of good stuff! Back in the day I worked in an upscale fitness center cafe. I’m talking $7 protein shakes upscale. On the menu, we had a Cobb salad complete with tomatoes, avocado, egg, chicken, bacon, blue cheese, and cheddar cheese. Everyone hated making…

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