
whole grains

Special Occasion Asian Spread

In the spirit of breaking out of the typical Easter dinner mold for the second year in a row (and a passionate hatred of ham), this year I decided to take the Asian route. Last year we had a vegetarian pizza party, which was a wild success. But what would my fans say if I simply repeated myself?…

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Honey Sesame Chicken Bowls

Ah, I love bowls of food. Plates are fine, but it’s something about that concave shape that tends to house the tastiest of meals and snacks. But sometimes we make sub-par bowls of food such as stale, sugary cereal or ice cream that tastes more like ice than cream or plain rice flavored with plain beans. Sometimes, we…

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Falafel Bowls

I love where we live. We’re right in the center of Eastown, a neighborhood in Grand Rapids, on a quiet little residential street that somehow doesn’t draw a lot of traffic. We’re surrounded by parks, unique houses, impractical shops, and more restaurants than a person knows how to handle. But what I love most about my little corner…

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Killer tuna sandwich

I don’t always want tuna, but when I do… I really, really want it. I don’t know what brings on these tuna cravings, but I am powerless against them. I always have a few cans of tuna nearby specifically for these emergencies. One of these cravings hit me hard a few weeks ago, and luckily I had two…

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Banana breakfast sandwich

Not gonna lie, I was a little surprised by how great this sandwich turned out. All the flavors worked together like they had known each other all their lives. The sandwich was creamy, full of flavor, and just the right amount of sweet. I used sprouted grain bread, but if you’re looking for something more substantial (like post-long…

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Top 10 Series: Whole grain pasta

It’s week six of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series! This week happens to be my favorite week: Whole grain pasta. I don’t care how much you pretend to love those spiralized zucchini noodles, there is no true replacement for the glorious and delicious real thing, carbs and all. I mean, you didn’t think I was going to…

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Goat cheese and sage pasta

Goats make hilarious YouTube videos, and they also make darn good cheese. This goat cheese and sage pasta is complete with the goodness of whole grains, caramelized onions, mushrooms, fried sage, and creamy goat cheese. It’s part of the Top 10 Foods for Runners series, specifically week six: Whole grain pasta!  

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