

Pesto veggie hash

One of my absolute favorite side effects of marathon training is that raw hunger you can only really feel after you’ve given everything you’ve got to a workout. After a workout like that, my body is far past the point of gently nudging me in the direction of the fridge with maybe a softly encouraging, “hey friend, we…

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Spaghetti with chicken zucchini meatballs

Spaghetti and meatballs… I was hardcore craving this dish the other day. And since I’m an adult and I can eat what I want, when I want, I made it. Being an adult does have its perks, I must say. This dish takes me and probably every other high-school cross-country alumni right back to pasta parties. Eating carbs surrounded…

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Feta pizza with sweet potato and zucchini

I often feel like I’m a mess of contradicitons. As I get to know myself a bit more with every weird thing I do, I realize I don’t make any sense most of the time. Here are a few examples: I think I’m super organized, only to find out my organization skills are nonsense to everyone else. I…

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