We’ve come a long way as a species.
We used to run to hunt down our food. Now we run with things on our wrist that tell us exactly how far we are going, how fast our heart is beating, and how many steps we’ve taken so far.
I’m sure the cavemen also thought such things, but I literally can’t imagine what we will develop next. What’s left to monitor? What about running could still be improved?
Sometimes, I think all these GPS watches and arm bands and headphones make running a bit too complicated. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no running purest. I don’t take off to the mountain trails to run with the rising sun in my one pair of dusty, worn running shoes so I can breathe in nature and reconnect with myself.
No, no. I mostly run on sidewalks, I sometimes listen to music, wear a GPS watch, and use emotions to decide which color shoes I want to wear on today’s run.
But sometimes I do just run. I don’t bring anything with me (I mean, I still wear running clothes and a sport’s bra, I’m not crazy) and after a mile or so I often find myself reminded of why I like running so much.
Unless it’s bad weather, then running is the root of all evil.
Anyway, our caveman ancestors may have been onto something with the whole simplicity thing. I bet when they were running down deer and dinosaurs, some of them actually enjoyed it. So just as we should occasionally embrace simplicity in our runs, maybe simplicity in our nachos may also be a good thing…
Running and nachos are closely linked, so my segue totally worked.
“But, Autumn,” you may say, “My nachos are already super simple! I just put cheddar cheese on chips and microwave it!”
My friend, those are not nachos. Those are cheese-covered chips. The difference is important.
And don’t even get me started on the “nachos” they sell at the movie theater. We may no longer be cavemen, but we are also not aliens (the only lifeforms I assume could survive on so many chemicals and artificial flavors)
These veggie nachos have it all, yet they are so simple a caveman could make them (probably not, actually. But you could easily make them for a weeknight dinner). I promise you won’t miss the meat, but if you have trust issues and don’t believe me, go ahead and add some. Also, crumbled up veggie burgers go well on these too.
The key is the two layers. No one likes a naked chip, and this technique makes sure no chips are left in the buff.
Since we do want to show that we’ve evolved a little, the veggie nachos include seared barbecue garbanzo beans and sweet potatoes. Those two ingredients combined with the classics like cheddar cheese, sauteed red bell peppers, salsa, avocado, green onion, and cilantro make this dish both cozy and exciting (and super easy to not leave any leftovers)
Oh and chips, don’t forget the chips.

Unparalleled veggie nachos
- 12 oz tortilla chips
- 1 red bell pepper, diced
- 1 tomato, diced
- 1 bunch cilantro, minced
- 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
- 1/4 cup barbecue sauce
- 3 green onions, chopped
- 2 cups cheddar cheese
- 1 avocado, diced
- 2 sweet potatoes, cooked and skin removed
- 1 tsp canola oil
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1 cup kale
- 1 lime, sliced
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line a 13x9 baking sheet with parchment paper.
Heat a skillet to medium heat and add the chickpeas and barbecue sauce. Cook until the sauce has coated the chickpeas and all the extra sauce has evaporated.
Add the red peppers and garlic powder to the skillet and cook until all the liquid from the peppers has been evaporated.
Spread half the tortilla chips evenly on the bottom of the baking sheet. Sprinkle a quarter of the cheese over the chips
Sprinkle half the chickpeas, red peppers, and sweet potatoes. Sprinkle another quarter of the cheese on top. Repeat the process. Cook for 5 minutes until the cheese has melted.
Add tomatoes, avocado, cilantro, and kale. Serve immediately with lime slices.